I can help you discover the Power, Peace, and Purpose that are already inside you!

Hi! I’m Kim, a professional tarot reader for 10 years and a lifelong spiritual person

I created Mind Body Spirit Source to allow me to use my gifts as an intuitive to serve people like you in the best way I know how: by guiding you through tarot readings and giving spiritual advice to see you become the best version of yourself!

Photo by Mikhail Nilov: https://www.pexels.com/photo/fashion-man-love-people-6932022/

Kim’s Early Years

I first discovered my intuitive gifts when I was 12 years old after I noticed that things in my dreams would often come to pass in real life! Following and exploring my intuition as a teenager then led me to tarot, and I dove deep into tarot readings as a way to understand the power of the universe and grow closer to God. There’s a lot to tarot- it’s not just looking at pretty pictures and trying to be optimistic. I’ve had to overcome a lot of spiritual, mental, and emotional challenges as I honed my intuition and learned to stay connected to the Source.

I explored other spiritual paths too! Following my intuition also led me to Reiki, Hypnotism, and Mediumship, and I learned many important things there which I incorporated into my practices today. For example, I regularly use clairaudience in my readings to aid me in discerning the message that wants to be heard.

Who I am today

Today I’ve now been practicing tarot professionally for 10 years! I absolutely love helping people to bring out the peace and power that’s inside all of us as children of the universe. Each new reading is always so exciting for me, as I get to guide someone else through their own inner exploration and see them awaken to new realities right in front of me!

I’m also an Ursi Reiki Level 3 Master, fully qualified to remove the blocks in people’s energy that are holding back their growth and preventing them from being as fully alive as they should be!

I think you’ll find that I’m a breath of fresh air in a world where unfortunately not many people with my level of experience are still willing to really take a personalized approach to help you fulfill your potential.

My passion is seeing people grow, though, so I wouldn’t have it any other way!

If you’re looking for help with your present, or clarity about your future, I’m here for you!